Privacy Policy

We consider your data protection our utmost priority, and since we process your personal data information, we have instituted this privacy policy, that informs you on how we process your data.

Toppen af Danmark is responsible for all the data we collect and thus, ensures that all personal information is processed in accordance with the law. We collect information on our clients, visitors on our websites, delivery companies, staff, job seekers as well as the staff from the public sector.

Should you wish to contact us regarding our stance on the processing of personal data, you are welcome to drop us an email on: or call us on +45 98 48 86 55.

Processing of personal data

Personal data is all types of information, that can in one way or another be traced back to you. We collect and process relevant information, when you use our website or contact us on e.g. the telephone or e-mail. This occurs for example, with the use of our website, subscription to our newsletter, participation in contests and giveaways, registration of a new user, or reservations made through our website and/or in person.

We typically collect and process the following types of information with every visit to our website: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP- address, geographical placing, as well as, your click traffic on the website. Additionally, you should also note that, you can give (and retract) your consent, regarding the addition of cookies to your computer (more info on our cookie policy).

When you give this explicit consent and personally fill out the information, we will also process; Name, telephone number, e-mail address and payment information. This is typically in connection with a purchase, the ordering of a catalogue and a subscription to the newsletter.

We use the information in connection with your purchase, and we can contact you regarding purchase options such as final cleaning and linen package (exclusively for the specifik purchase you have already made).

We have instituted adequate technical and organizational precautions against any accidental or illegal deletion, publicized, loss, deterioration, misuse or any other unlawful processing of your personal data.


The collected information can be used to identify you as a user and to display adverts, that would highly likely be relevant for you, to register your purchases and payments, as well as, to deliver the services you have requested, like e.g. to send out a newsletter. Additionally, we also use this information to optimize our services, as well as, the content on our platform. 

Data reduction

We only collect, process and keep the personal data, that is necessary for us to fulfill our primary objective. Moreover, the type of data collected and kept for our business operations can be determined by the law. The type and content breadth of the personal data we process, can be necessary to fulfill a contract or any other lawful responsibility.

Data update

Since our service is dependent on the accuracy of your personal data, we request that you notify us on, any relevant changes to your data information. You can use the contact information detailed above, to inform us on the changes and we will ensure that, your personal data is updated.

Duration of storage

Your data is only kept for the duration legally allowed by the law and we delete it, as soon as, it no longer is relevant for us. The duration of the storage is dependent on, the character and the reason for the storage.


When you, as a client, secure a purchase or a reservation with us, you automatically give us the consent to, use your personal data, in order for us to fulfill our contractual obligations, as well as, to engage in a purposive communication limited to that context.

 Additionally, you can also give your explicit consent on our website respectively for:

  1. Addition of cookies: Consent can be retracted here:
  2. Subscription to our newsletter: Consent can be retracted by unsubscribing the newsletter, through the link on our newsletter.
  3. Use of personal data for marketing purposes: Consent can be retracted by contacting us (as detailed above within this policy)

Further distribution of information

With a view to, direct messages comprising of adverts on the different social media platforms and through Google, your personal data, as well as, your use of our websites, your geographical placing, sex and age group, can be further distributed, to data processors for processing, all limited to your specific consent.

Additionally, we use an array of providers/ data processors to store and process data. These handlers can only use this data on our behalf and are not allowed to use it for their own purposes. We use the following suppliers/ data processors:

  • Google

We use Google Analytics, Adsense and DoubleClick to collect statistics and to enhance the experience on our website, as well as, to deliver relevant marketing initiatives. Should you wish to hinder this, you can delete and block cookies. See more in our cookies policy.

  • Facebook

We use a Facebook-pixel to enable us to deliver relevant marketing adverts. Should you wish to hinder this, you can delete and block cookies. See more in our cookies policy.

  • Mailchimp

You are required to detail your name and email address when you subscribe to our newsletter. You can always unsubscribe by using the link on the newsletter or by directly contacting us through e-mail or telephone.

Your rights

Should you wish to access any of the personal data we may have of you, you are welcome to direct your request to: You can also write us on the same e-mail address, to correct any wrong data or to voice any other concerns. You can always get an insight on any of the personal data we have registered of you and you can always object to any registration, as stipulated by the Privacy Act.

You can also submit any complaints to Datatilsynet  (Danish Data Protection Agency).

You reserve all the right to, object to how we process your personal data. You can also object to, our distribution of your data for purposive marketing. You are welcome to send any objection to the contact details outlined above. If your objection is justified, we will ensure that, we halt all processing of your personal data.

Should you wish to move your data to another data processer or provider, you are welcome to make use of our data portability.

We delete personal data, as soon as, it becomes irrelevant, to the purpose for which it was collected for.

This website is owned by:

Toppen af Danmark
Vestre Strandvej 10
9990 Skagen

CVR: 25 45 03 88

Tlf: + 45 98 48 86 55